Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Dhoom 2

Okay - this might not be the best movie ever. But it's worth it all for the jaw dropping experience of the first 15 minutes. It's taken action movies to a whole new level.

It's a big world out there

This article in the NYT made me laugh this morning. It's about the annual Eurovision song competition where different countries submit a song and artist. Then they vote but they can't vote for their own country. No one votes for the brits except for malta and ireland. And ex-yugoslavia all vote for each other.

So I went to check out Eurovision Song competition on the web.

The videos are pretty funny to see -- I liked the one about vampyres (forever young!!!). Molly and Chris will hate this music. It's all a bit over the top. It's amazing how many are singing in english.

Just a little glimpse at the world ....

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

more pics..

santa fe

we had a great time in santa fe!
sonya, dan, zach and joe

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Hi from Boulder Joe

Hi Deb,
This is me Joe. I graduated from Tae Kwan Do today and broke this board all by myself! I like doing Tae Kwan Do. I will show you how to do it when I see you in Santa Fe.

Also, here is a picture of me and Tamiko taking care of baby Liliy. We tried to make her laugh, but it did not work. She liked it when I sang my ABC's in Spanish, but she did not know what I was saying!

See you on Saturday! Bye Deb.

Friday, May 4, 2007

Old boyfriends

Hey all -- I stumbled upon Mark Schweitzer when I was googling someone else. Couldn't help but look for images for the rest. Sesha, the most techy of them, has kept his pic off the web....

High School Boyfriend: Scott Schoezel

College boyfriend: Mark Schweitzer

In my 20's boyfriend: Jay

Couldn't find a picture of Sesha... (in my 30s guy)

and don demetriades...he is still running marathons, teaching philosophy in MT ......so he hasn't gotten pudgy!!

Interesting....they've made the most money based on when I dated them....doesn't look good for the next one. I guess I'll be supporting him!

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Learning to sleep anywhere...

The crib, stoller, car, couch, papa's lap...

See you guys soon!

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Cree Reporting n from NYC

Just saw this ...Quinn and Joe...you have to check it out....

Sat next to Cynthia Nixon (sex and the city; education advocate) on the plane here.

Saw one of the one worst schools yesterday. Saw one of the best schools today...and the face of the America that can be.

Spring is bursting here.... the trees are literally bursting at the seams with flowers, with blossoms.

Saw Talk Radio - incredible acting; incredible!

Came out of the theater to a storm complete with thunder and lightening....no taxis available. So grabbed one of those "biker cabs". Felt terrible I kept saying "this is so fun". When I asked him he said " No lady, not so fun". Tipped well; and took incredibly fun pictures. Will put on the blog later.

Finally...a surprising day in which Mike S. and I actually had a conversation that was loving, supportive and respectful. I had given up any hope for this kind of conversation...and even if it never happens again, it was a precious gift. Very precious.

All and all a perfect day.