Tuesday, March 6, 2007


Okay - Dan and Sonya are in Qatar. And I didn't even know how to spell the country let alone know where it is. So here are a few places to learn about Qatar.

What I've learned so far is most of the country is Wahhabi; there is a lot of sand; the emir is Sheikh Hamad Khalifa Al-Thani and he has a really beautiful wife (maybe more than 1, I don't know); and only 25% of the population is from Qatar (there are a lot of Pakistanis there). And life expectancy is 71 (but is that only for the Qataris or for the pakistanis and other workforce as well?)

Here are some links of you want to learn more

Wikipedia link

Interesting pics at the Peninsula Online (expat paper)

Qatar's tourist web link

Library of Congress has a lot of information

Arab Net is easy to read

BBC is really short summary, has a good map


DebMom said...

thanks for the good info-I don't even pronounce it
Debmom and Joe

DebMom said...

thanks for the good info-I don't even pronounce it
Debmom and Joe

DebMom said...

thanks for the good info-I don't even pronounce it
Debmom and Joe