Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Boulder Joe's birthmom makes contact!!

Hi everyone,

Through some very generous gifts, we have been able to track down Joes birthmother, Georgina. We recieved word from her today through a third party. Joe talks about her, so we felt it was important to have as much information as possible for him when (and if) he wants it. She was so happy to get pictures of him, and sent back some of herself. She describes herself as happy and likes to "laugh and tease". Hmmmmm, maybe that is where that great sense of humor and infectious smile came from! Anyway, we are thrilled to have her in our lives and hope to be able to visit her one day with Joe.

Joe is also thrilled, and knew right away who this was!



Molly Sturges said...

Sonya, Joe and Dan-

What an amazing blessing to make this contact! So happy to have her in our lives as well. Love you all and thanks for making the journey down here! xoxo Molly

DebMom said...

You and dan are quite remarkable.

the generosity in making inquiries
and staying with it kind of takes
my breath away.

Lucky Joe that he has you as
parents and can now have this
background as well.

can't wait to spend some time
with the kid.