Thursday, February 15, 2007

He Almost Landed It

Hi All,

It's a Michigan day here, too. A balmy 9 degrees, nary a peek of sun from N.Dakota to Cleveland, and........shock of shocks.... it's snowing. I am not exactly sure where the dream went wrong, but I woke up and my entire family bailed to warmer, sunnier western climates.

Enclosed are some photo's of Kev sporting his lastest wardrobe accessories. He is back in school,

and doing a great job with life's little basics, like eating with his own hands, and making his pants

zipper do as he asks.

The U.S. and Canadian snowboarding judges both gave him 9.5's, but the Russian judge, still

harboring some cold-war hostility, only gave him a 7.

Enjoy the warm weather, and send me a photo of the sun.


Cree said...

Michael you are toooo funny ( i can't stop laughing about the phrase "dream went wrong").

I'll call again soon...

happy birthday...

DebMom said...


loved the picture and welcome to
the blog-we needed some comedy -

I take it that you saw Doug's comment about he would rather swallow
a live grenade then drive through
S. Dakota. He is however, looking
forward to Vegas. I am wondering
if I should consider going as a
redhead this time. Be careful
who you talk to-it might be me.
Mom deb

Mike Q said...


Red is your color. Just make the earrings big and trashy, and don't forget the cigarette and whiskey glass. Just make sure Mo is not following you, a dead giveaway in any casino.

sonya said...

Zach feels your pain! What's with breaking parts in pairs?!
Hope you are all well in the great white north. Please feel free to join us here in the sunnier climates. Hope you had a great birthday Mike.
